What Might Critical Research on Right-Wing Extremism and Discrimination Look Like?

Reflections on Hegemonic Positionings

Research on right-wing extremism and discrimination examines contemporary phenomena manifested on individual, societal, structural, and symbolic-discursive levels.




Research on right-wing extremism and discrimination examines contemporary phenomena manifested on individual, societal, structural, and symbolic-discursive levels. It is essential to recognize and further investigate the fact that scholars cannot observe right-wing extremism and discrimination, along with related phenomena, from a neutral external perspective. Researchers themselves are intersectionally positioned along the axes of difference and are involved in institutions and structures where discrimination is (re)produced. In this text, white scholars who research right-wing extremism and discrimination reflect on their involvement in power and dominance relations, how this affects their research practices, and where opportunities for concrete critical practice emerge. The text does not provide answers, offering instead an ongoing process of reflection that can continue in research projects and academic networks and, ultimately, enhance academic precision as well.

ISBN: 978-3-948289-55-3

Mietke, Hannah; Van de Wetering, Denis; Sellenriek, Juliane; Thießen, Ann-Kathrin; Zick, Andreas (2023): What Might Critical Research on Right-Wing Extremism and Discrimination Look Like? Reflections on Hegemonic Positionings. NaDiRa Working Papers 10, Berlin: Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM).