NaDiRa-Discussion with Prof.Donatella Della Porta

Challenging Inequalities in Health: A Discussion on Social Movements and Racial Disparities in Public Health

Presence Event

When: 18th of April 2024 6:00 – 8:00pm

Where: DeZIM_Saal, 3.OG, Mauerstraße 76, 10117 Berlin

Please register at the following link: NaDiRa-Discussion

Registration possible until 17 April, 4:00 pm

The event will be in English language.



Bringing together social movement studies and racism studies, this Discussion critically examines the dynamic intersection between social movements and public health with a focus on inequalities, including racial disparities in accessing healthcare.

We are honored to host Professor Donatella Della Porta (Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence), a distinguished scholar and pioneer of European social movement studies.
In her keynote address, Professor Donatella Della Porta will illuminate various cases and manifestations of direct action aimed at establishing equitable access to public health. Zooming in on different European instances of health movements, she will underscore the pivotal role played by social movements in advocating for health equity with a particular emphasis on the challenges faced by vulnerable communities.

The Discussion will continue with a presentation of the core findings of the recent NaDiRa report titled “Racism and its symptoms”, which examines discrimination and racism in public health in Germany based on both qualitative and quantitative data and will finish with an open discussion.  
The Discussion will create a venue for dialogue, bridging research that scrutinizes the roots and facets of inequality and racialization in public health with practical examples of how activists, civil society actors, and social movements are actively combating these structural challenges. This event provides a unique platform to engage with Prof. Della Porta’s expansive body of work on health movements. Simultaneously, it provides an opportunity to present and discuss the recent NaDiRa report alongside an internationally renowned scholar.  
Moderation: Rosa Burç  (DeZIM institute)



6:00 – 6:10 pm: Welcome and Introduction

6:10 – 7:00 pm: Keynote Speech by Prof. Donatella Della Porta  

7:00 – 7:30 pm: “Racism and its symptoms” – A Presentation of the NaDiRa report by Prof. Dr. Zerrin Salikutluk and Dr. Cihan Sinanoğlu (NaDiRa)
7:30 – 8:00 pm: Moderated Open Discussion

Donatella Della Porta is professor of political science, founding dean of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences and Director of the PhD program in Political Science and Sociology at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence, where she also leads the Center on Social Movement Studies (Cosmos). Among the main topics of her research: social movements, political violence, corruption, democracy and political parties. She has directed a major ERC project Mobilizing for Democracy, on civil society participation in democratization processes in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. During her career, she has received prestigeous international prizes and recognitions such as the Forschungspreise of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, awarded in November 2021, for life achievements as a highly prominent international scholar; the Mattei Dogan Prize, awarded in 2011, for distinguished achievements in the field of political sociology, and the Harry Frank Guggenheim Career Development Award in 1990. In 2012 she has been nominated member of the European Academy; in 2022, she has been nominated International Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; in 2023, she has been nominated Academica of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. She holds PhD Honoris Causa from the Universities of Gotenborg, Bucharest, Lausanne, Jyvaskyla, Peloponneso and Cyprus. She is the author or editor of 90 books, 150 journal articles and 150 contributions in edited volumes, Citations Google Scholar: h Index 99; 52000 citations, in (August 2023)

For an up-to-date overview of her publications see google scholar.