The NaDiRa.panel is a regular representative online survey of more than 13,000 people in Germany that allows conclusions to be drawn about the attitudes and experiences of all people born between 1951 and 2004 living in Germany. A particular focus is placed on the experiences of people who have themselves been affected by racism.
Quantitative findings are always a simplified representation of social complexity. In this respect, although the quantitative survey offers a basic orientation for making statements about racism in Germany, it remains necessarily superficial. For this reason, other methodological approaches are needed in addition to quantitative ones in order to understand racism in its social embeddedness. The following applies to the panel itself: only a high and constant level of participation in the surveys ensures the quality of the results produced by the NaDiRa Online Access Panel.
The NaDiRa.panel collects reliable data on the causes, extent and consequences of racism. As the NaDiRa.panel is a longitudinal survey, i.e. a regular survey of the same people, the data not only provides a snapshot of current opinions and experiences, but also allows changes and trends to be identified over time. With the help of the NaDiRa.panel, for example, statements can be made about the extent of experiences of racism over time. The data also allows a comparison of different groups (e.g. people affected by racism versus those not affected). The statistical analysis and interpretation of the data should always be theory-based and also include the findings of qualitative studies on racism.
Selected literature
- Ruland et al. 2022 Methodological report Development of an online access panel and initial survey in the National Discrimination and Racism Monitor (NaDiRa)
- Ruland, Michael; Link, Sebastian; Malina, Aneta (2022): Pretest report. Development of an online access panel in the National Discrimination and Racism Monitor (NaDiRa), Bonn.