Settings & experiences

Attitudes and experiences of discrimination and racism are monitored using validated instruments and standardized surveys, interviews or qualitative methods such as focus groups. In a nationwide random-based panel study, the population in Germany, including members of racialized groups, is regularly asked about their individual attitudes towards racial prejudice, experiences of discrimination and racism, their perceptions and realities of life. The "NaDiRa Online Access Panel"(NaDiRa.panel) enables the recording of changes over time and short-term trends through recurring surveys.

Guiding research questions

  • How widespread are racist attitudes in Germany, and to what extent do these differences vary in relation to different groups affected by racism?
  • What is the extent of experiences of racist discrimination in Germany and what consequences do the specific experiences of discrimination of affected people have for their participation in society?
  • What is the extent of social, political and economic inequality between different groups affected by racism compared to groups that are not affected?
  • How are racist structures reflected in individual perceptions and ways of thinking and how do the perspectives of people affected by racism differ from those of the majority population?

A central element of the monitor is the implementation of a longitudinal population survey (NaDiRa.panel), which makes it possible to measure important characteristics and attitudes related to the causes, various manifestations or consequences of racism at the individual level. The focus here is on experiences of racism by particularly vulnerable groups, but also on the willingness to or resistance to anti-racist mobilization in society. In order to find answers to the question of how structural racism is linked to social inequalities, the NaDiRa.panel will also collect indicators from various areas that are central to social participation, such as education and development, family, work, housing, health, politics, pensions and care, on an annual basis. In this way, NaDiRa can use monitoring to make medium and long-term statements about the areas in which racial inequalities are particularly pronounced, how they change over time and what influence political reforms have at a structural level.

The NaDiRa.panel is not the only way to measure attitudes and experiences of racism. The Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS) project of Black, African and Afro-diasporic people in Germany also collects quantitative data on the reality of life for members of the aforementioned group, thereby supplementing the NaDiRa.panel. Experiments are used to collect data on socio-psychological principles. The project Perceived prototypicality of different groups in German society uses the example of anti-Muslim and anti-Black racism to examine the tendency of people to accept characteristics, values, ideologies and behaviors of their own group as a generally valid social standard and the perspective of those affected by racism.Mental representations of racial inequality in Germany are recorded on the basis of reaction times, spontaneous decisions or memory performance in online surveys via the project's own platform MIND.set . Attitudes and experiences are also researched qualitatively in NaDiRa. The project Inter-migrant dynamics and cumulative experiences of racism uses the example of people of Turkish origin in Germany to analyze the connection between historical lines of conflict, new areas of tension and institutional framework conditions by means of interviews and focus groups. From this, scales can then be developed for the quantitative surveys of the NaDiRa.panel.

Racism is not a marginal phenomenon in Germany, but affects a large part of society in both direct and indirect forms. The findings of our initial study have shown that the majority of the German population is aware of this and does not dismiss racism as a marginal phenomenon.

Dr. Cihan Sinanoglu, Leitung der NaDiRa Geschäftsstelle

Research strategies and methods

Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS)
Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS)

Contact persons

Dr. Cihan Sinanoğlu Head of the National Discrimination and Racism Monitor

Dr. Cihan Sinanoğlu

Head of the National Discrimination and Racism Monitor
Prof. Dr. Zerrin Salikutluk

Prof. Dr. Zerrin Salikutluk

Co-Head of the National Discrimination and Racism Monitor
Dr. Merih Ateş

Dr. Merih Ateş

Research assistant
Dept. of Integration &
National Discrimination and Racism Monitor
Photo Rosa Burç

Rosa Burç

Research Associate
Department Migration &
National Discrimination and Racism Monitor
Dr. Stefanie Hechler

Dr. Stefanie Hechler

Research assistant
Cluster "Data - Methods - Monitoring" &
National Discrimination and Racism Monitor
Tae Jun Kim

Tae Jun Kim

Research Associate
National Discrimination and Racism Monitor
Felicia Boma Lazaridou

Felicia Boma Lazaridou

Research assistant
Department Consensus & Conflict and
National Discrimination and Racism Monitor
Dr. Mariel McKone Leonard

Dr. Mariel McKone Leonard

Research assistant
Cluster "Data - Methods - Monitoring" &
National Discrimination and Racism Monitor
Kien Tran

Kien Tran

Research Associate
National Discrimination and Racism Monitor
Photo Esra Yula

Esra Yula

Research Associate
Department Migration &
National Discrimination and Racism Monitor

Selected literature