The NaDiRa Lecture Series 2022/23 looks at different disciplinary research approaches to "racism" - and their respective methodologies and theories. This is because different disciplines also approach the study of racism differently. The individual events in the lecture series will feature academics from the fields of history, economics, medicine and education, among others.
Research into racism is also subject to the challenges of scientific ethics: Racialization processes can be reproduced through categorization and marking. At the same time, it is important to protect those who are harmed by racism. In addition, science has historically made racism plausible and legitimized it many times, for example with "racial anthropology", "eugenics" and "racial research". We must continue to critically examine and ethically evaluate this history.
NaDiRa Lecture Series 2022/23: All dates and topics
June 2, 2022, 6 p.m.: Economics
Hidden systemic racism in economic theory
with Prof. Dr. Stefan Ouma, Prof. em. John Komlos, Ph.D. and Dr. Sekou Keita
July 14, 2022, 6 p. m.:Sociology
Sociology. Power. Racism - Critical perspectives on methods in German sociology
with Prof. Dr. Anja Weiß, Prof. Dr. Manuela Boatcă and Tae-Jun Kim
September 29, 2022: Legal Studies
Is Justice Blind to Racism? Methods of legal racism research.
with Prof. Mathias Hong, Dr. Doris Liebscher and Dr. Sué González Hauck
November 10, 2022: Philosophy
There are no races, but what about race? The philosophical discussion on the metaphysics of race.
with Prof. Dr. Kristina Lepold, Prof. Dr. Serhat Karakayali and Dr. Veronika Kourabas
December 1, 2022: Prejudice research
Prejudice research and racism research - A comparison of research perspectives
with Prof. Dr. Juliane Degner, Prof. Dr. Iman Attia and Dr. Cihan Sinanoğlu
January 19, 2023: Historical sciences
"A history of ignorance": How historical research on the German migration society ignores racism
with Dr. Maria Alexopoulou, Dr. Minu Haschemi and Dr. Kimiko Suda